Lampu utama (headlight) merupakan komponen vital pada mobil atau motor, khususnya pada saat berkendara malam hari. Kualitas cahaya yang dihasilkan untuk menyinari jalan berpengaruh terhadap respon dan refleks pengemudi. Kendala lain seperti misalnya cuaca buruk (hujan deras, kabut tebal) menurunkan kemampuan kerja headlight.
Kualitas penyinaran suatu headlight dipengaruhi beberapa faktor, antara lain: Desain Unit headlight (Reflektor / Lens projector) Sistem Pelistrikan. Kualitas / jenis lampu (headlamp) Kita tidak bisa berbuat banyak untuk mengoptimalkan Desain Unit Headlight, kecuali membersihkannya apabila kaca headlight, reflektor / lensa projector terlihat kotor.
[ - automotive tips and sharing ] Untuk sistem pelistrikan, dapat kita optimalkan dengan cara menambahkan sistem Relay-Set atau headlight booster sehingga daya yang disalurkan ke lampu menjadi besar dan cahaya lampu menjadi lebih terang. Selain itu, dengan menambahkan sistem Relay-Set, dimungkinkan untuk menggunakan lampu yang berdaya lebih besar.
Untuk memilih jenis lampu mana yang baik kita gunakan, kita perlu menyimak sedikit tentang keterbatasan mata kita saat malam hari dan siang hari. Diperlukan lampu yang memiliki minimal sedikit cahaya agak berwarna kuning pada malam hari agar dapat melihat dan bereaksi lebih baik saat berkendara. Itu sebabnya untuk keperluan sport / rally, diperlukan lampu yang ada kandungan warna kuning.
Kita bisa menemukan banyak sekali alternatif lampu halogen di toko-toko aksesoris mobil/motor… Pilih yang mana ya?
Monday, March 31, 2008
Memilih Lampu Halogen
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Resep Roti Keju
- 100 gr tepung terigu
- 100 gr margarin
- 75 gr gula halus
- 3 bh telur ayam
- 1 sdt garam halus
- 1 ½ dl susu encer
- 150 gr keju parut ( untuk isi )
- 50 gr margarin ( untuk isi )
Resep cara membuat resep roti: Bahan dan cara membuat biang roti seperti untuk resep roti tawar. Tepung terigu dicampur dengan semua bahan kecuali margarin, lalu diuli sampai menjadi satu adonan yang licin. Biang roti dimasukkan dan diuli sampai halus dan tidak lengket pada tangan. Margarin dimasukkan dan diuli selama 20 menit sampai tidak lengket pada tangan ( menguli diatas meja atau papan yang telah ditaburi dengan tepung terigu ).
Tutup dengan serbet basah lalu biarkan selama 1 jam di panas matahari atau dekat kompor supaya mengembang. Adonan dibagi – bagi menjadi bulatan – bulatan dari 50 gr. Tiap bulatan digiling dan dberi keju yang telah dicampur dengan margarin. Gulung kembali dan letakkan diatas loyang yang telah diolesi dengan margarin. Biarkan mengembang selama 30 menit lalu Bakar dalam oven panas selama 30 menit sampai matang dan berwarna kuning tua.
Sesudah matang bagian atas roti dioles dengan margarin supaya mengkilat. Selain muisjes sebagai isi, dapat juga dipakai daging korned ( corned beef ), selai nenas atau buah pisang.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Replacing Your Automotive Carpet
Nothing is more miserable or disgusting in a car than dirty and smelly carpet. Have you ever spilled soda, milk, motor oil or even bleach on your vehicle's carpet and thought to yourself that it would be nice to just replace the whole thing instead of trying to clean it? Well, it's actually possible to do just that, and the job isn't as difficult as you would think. Many people find it more cost efficient to replace their auto carpet, instead of trying to clean the dirt or smell from a soiled auto carpet.
What to buy?
Auto carpet can be purchased pre-molded to fit the form of your vehicle's floor pan. So, you do not need to buy flat automotive carpet and try to fit it to the bumps and ridges of your car's floor, but rather you can simply pull out the old carpet and drop in the new, pre-formed auto carpet. Buying this form of automotive carpet will make the job much easier and will eliminate most of the work. Sometimes, if you have a newer model of car, you can still buy carpet from the manufacturer, but in most cases the original OEM carpet will be 4 or 5 times more expensive than aftermarket auto carpet, and the quality of the carpet fibers can be inferior to the aftermarket carpet.
It is important to note that there are 2 types of automotive carpet backing. Most new cars, from the 90s and newer, have a type of backing/padding called Massback. It is a heavy foamlike rubber that is usually black. This type if backing is added to improve heat and sound insulation as well as some padding under the carpet. Most aftermarket auto carpet is made with a thin, plastic backing that doesn't add much in the way of padding or heat/sound insulation so most aftermarket auto carpet manufacturers will add a 1/2 inch thick jute padding to this type of carpet backing to add some padding. Some aftermarket carpet retail stores will sell you the same carpet with either type of backing.
The first thing you will need to do when replacing your auto carpet, is to purchase a carpet kit for your particular vehicle. It is important to point out that now would also be a good time to buy a matching set of floor mats from the same retail store where you buy your carpet. Most manufacturers cut your molded carpet and floor mats from the same roll of carpet and to ensure that you get the same exact die lot; you should order both at the same time.
Where to start?
Be sure to pull the new auto carpet out of the box as soon as it arrives, since it will be rolled up and crammed into the box. The carpet will need about 24-48 hours to "relax" and regain it's shape. Sometimes, letting it sit in a warm room, or direct sunlight will help speed up this process.
Once the carpet has relaxed, you can begin the job of installing the new auto carpet. The first step will be to remove the existing carpet from the vehicle. You may need to remove the sill plates by the doors, the seats and seat tracks if they are holding down the auto carpet and the center console. Basically, anything that is holding down the carpet will need to be removed in order to get the carpet out. Be careful not to destroy the existing carpet, and certainly do not throw the carpet away or discard it, as you will need to use it in a few minutes. Just set the carpet aside for the time being.
Now you should do a little prep work on the floor of your car to get ready to install the new carpet. At this time you can remove the old carpet padding, if any was left behind, but be sure not to remove any body insulation from the floor. You can install heat or sound insulation such as Dynamat at this time and patch or repair any holes in the floor of the vehicle. And it should go without saying, but sweep and clean up and dirt or loose matter from the floor of the vehicle.
How to Install
Most aftermarket auto carpet kits will come slightly oversized and without the pre-cut holes. So, there will be a little work to get the new carpet into the car. There are 2 methods of cutting and trimming your carpet to get it into the vehicle; you can choose which will work best for you. Your first option is to place the new auto carpet over your old carpet, trim the edges and cut the holes. If you chose this option, you will need to be very careful not to over cut the holes or cut too much from the edges, since you are using the old carpet instead of the vehicle itself. The 2nd option is to work the new carpet into the contours of the vehicle floor and trim the carpet as you go. This method will give you more accurate results, but may be a little more difficult. Either way, it is important not to cut and trim too much with any one cut. It is best to work slowly, making small cuts and double check that the carpet has not shifted after each cut.
A little secret for making the small holes for things such as the seat bolts is to make a small "X" cut with a knife blade where the hole was in the original auto carpet. You can then simply push the bolt through the carpet. There is usually no need to try to cut a complete hole in your new carpet.
Occasionally you will find that a small section of the auto carpet wants to lift up off the floor, or tries to create a small wrinkle. This can easily be fixed with a small shot of spray adhesive. It is not recommended to spray the entire floor of the car, since the molded carpet should be held in place with the seats and trim pieces that were holding the original carpet in place.
Once the auto carpet is in place, and trimmed to fit, now you can begin to replace the pieces that were holding the original carpet in place. If you removed the seats, sill plates and trim pieces, then all of these pieces will need to go back into the vehicle.
Once all of pieces are back in place, your job is complete. You will be amazed at how much difference a little work can make to the appearance of your vehicle, not to mention removing that horrible smell that some things like milk can leave behind!
About The Author
Todd Speary has been working in the automotive industry for many years and now owns Stock Interiors, which sells custom made automotive interior products such as molded carpet, headliners, floor mats and much more. You can find them online at
Monday, March 17, 2008
Photography: From Hobby To Your Very Own Business
That’s right. Who could say that there’s no chance that your hobby could also be the foundation of your first business venture? There are a lot of people out there who are in need of a good photographer to capture images of their son’s wedding, their daughter’s graduation or their very own wedding. Why couldn’t you be the one to supply your photography services to their needs?
For the transition of photography from hobby to your very own business, there are several tasks that you have to accomplish first.
Market Your Photography Skills – Sell yourself, in other words! Let people know about what you can do in the field of photography, why they need your skills and why they should hire you. Make sure, however, that you charge them reasonable rates since you’re still more or less an amateur in the field of photography.
To effectively market your photography skills, don’t be afraid of spending a little money on posting ads in the classified sections. Don’t stop there but post about your photography business in as many places as you can.
Join Interest Groups – This could be the local photography club in your community or the association of young photographers in your school. It could also be a Yahoo Group that you could easily join.
Usually, these groups are able to hold regular or annual exhibits of their works and it wouldn’t hurt to expose to the world the beauty of your works in photography.
Join Photo Competitions – Two things that you could enjoy when joining photography competitions: fame and fortune. Both are equally important. Fame would do wonders to your career in photography because it would let the world know about your skills and winning a photography competition may also offer the prize of having an apprenticeship under a world famous photographer. And when it comes to wealth – well, when did extra money ever hurt?
Offer Your Skills For Free to Government Projects – The government is always on the lookout for professionals who are willing to work for free and you should take advantage of this. Offer your photography skills for free because this would give you the opportunity to show them what you got.
Offer Samples of Your Work to Newspapers and Magazines – This is just like joining a photography competition. When you offer samples of your work to newspapers and magazines, you’re improving the chances that you’ll get noticed by the people who matters.
Although we can’t say that the road to victory is easy, never give up, never stop taking pictures and you’re sure to go far!
About The Author
Michael Colucci is a technical writer for and - Free sites that offer photography tips and camera reviews.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Professional Article Writing, From Hobby To Income
In the art of writing there are several areas or levels of expertise. We will go over a few of them and find out where you would like to end up in the world of professional article writing.
The hobby blogger writes to tell stories of what they have seen, read or about an experience they had at some sort of event, online or off. The hobby writer rarely uses a spellchecker and their posts usually reflect the innocence of a novice writer.
The casual writer is the more serious blogger or website owner that tries to convey a story, write a review or share knowledge in their field of expertise. They will have several sites or blogs in areas surrounding their life and occupations, often times posting in several other peoples blogs or forums daily. Whether they know it or not, they are actually grooming themselves to be a great writer.
The advanced writer supplies content for others in the way of articles, white papers and reports after doing research in that particular field and composing relevant, targeted information about the subject. They may get compensated for the material or submit the articles to directories for distribution for SEO reasons or to establish themselves in the market as an authority for sales purposes.
Professional writers get paid well for their efforts. Sometimes in the tens of thousands for a high conversion sales letter, documentary, biography, or book. They are the syndicated columnists, feature story authors in magazines and the ever popular technical manual composers. They will often have pen names to protect their identity and can be ghost writers giving up all rights to the project for compensation.
In the advanced and profeessional areas, writers are sought after mostly due to the fact that not everyone can convey their thoughts and ideas well, let alone write them down in the proper format or storyline. Hence the growing need for writers.
In the online world thousands of websites and blogs are being created every day and the one common theme between them all is they will need content written.
The majority of all websites are about a company or service, the balance are for selling products either physical or digital. A small percentage of sites are purely informational and are not monetarily driven like the .gov sites and some .org sites.
Almost all offline companies that want a website created will hire it done. A golden opportunity for writers. Just plug in with a few website creation companies and you will have a nice part time freelance writing job.
Online marketers trying to sell products will try to write their own sales pages for the small or low cost products but when it comes to the high end market they will inevitably seek out a professional to be able to convert as many leads as possible thus reducing their cost to sale ratio.
This is where the advanced and professional writer comes in to the play and are eagerly sought after.
An advanced writer can work on an almost endless variety of projects. A writer can either focus on an area of expertise, or write a greater variety of general knowledge articles. The going rate for quality articles in the 500-700 word range is $15.00-$25.00 each depending on the quantity ordered. Not bad considering and article can be made in less than an hour for the groomed writer. A nice paying part time job and a respectable full time income when you build up your client base.
As more high end products and services come online the professional writer can develop an awesome stream of income when they have proven themselves in the market. I know many of the top writers for the online world and it is usually a six month wait before they can get to your project unless you have very deep pockets.
Most of the professional writers for online copy easily exceed six figures a year and rarely do they get a blister on their finger from the keypad!
For the beginner there are many resources for developing the skill of writing. There are workshops, seminars, courses, reference books, and connection with other writers. I currently subscribe to many copywriters RSS feeds so I can study their style. Every day will become part of a your training. Every minute at the keyboard adds to your store of information, ideas, topics, methods and style.
A writer is not a writer until they put words to paper or screen and this is the application of the training that you will have acquired over the years. Yes I said years, it takes time to get good at anything worthwhile.
Usually, most of us see the quality of our work going up as we ramp up our productivity. The old saying is "the first one is the hardest" and it plays true in writing also. My first article had to have taken at least four hours or more and the end result was nothing to be proud of! After a while and the desire to get better, it now takes less than an hour to write a 600 word article, research included.
Article writing is an art form - not only must you be continuously creative, but you also must have the desire to continue. As long as you have an ounce of creativity you will be able to become a good writer.
Eventually, you'll get to the point where the discipline, the passion, and the experience will all come together and your skill as a writer will either produce a nice income or the sites and blogs you create will get highly ranked from the quality content.
About The Author
Brian Ankner has been writing articles and website content for quite some time now and has created a site dedicated to helping aspiring artists blossom into great writiers. For the resources that he uses, go to and pick up the tools to start your publishing career.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Do You Need A New Hobby? Start Collecting Rare Coins.
Rare coins are one of the remaining investments which can be accumulated with privacy and transported easily. Coins are classic appreciating assets with a history of long-term price increases. Old and rare coins are worth far more than face value (the value on their surface) - and more than just their metal composition - as collectibles. Rare coins are a hobby, as are they a good investment. Rare coins are the most liquid of all collecting hobbies.
Silver and gold coins are fast becoming a new American icon because they give investors economic stability, profit potential AND privacy. You may shop 24/7 for rare coins, gold coins, silver coins, 2007 bullion gold coins, gold coins and more at among other places. If at any time our paper money is threatened, rare coins can protect wealth much like an investment in gold bullion. You can buy with confidence from several coin dealers. The heaviest coin to be minted is the 1000Mohur, a gold coin weighed almost 12 kilograms.
Buying rare coins for own profit has been a good choice for investors for many years. Buying rare gold coins can be done from coin dealers, special auctions such as By the year 2015, experts believe that there will be some 140,000,000 coin collectors/investors, an increase of over 3 times that of today's buyers. Some collectors have made a lot of money buying and selling rare coins, others have lost fortunes. For instance, there are no reporting requirements for the buying or selling coins, so your own privacy can be easily protected.
Rare coins stand out as a great investment compared to other collectible items, especially for someone looking to diversify their investment portfolios into the world of collectibles for the first time. As for other collectible items, nothing performs as well as rare coins when it comes to pure investing: coins are virtually indestructible, they are easy to store, easy to insure, and rare coins are portable commodities that can be easily converted into liquid assets. Unlike paintings, sports memorabilia, or other forms of collectible items, the old coin market is characterized by well-established standards for deciding the quality of any given coin and a stock market like infrastructure for ensuring the liquidity of the investment.
Rare coins are totally immune from bankruptcy and virtually immune from dilution. Coins are not only good investments, they can be fun too. Rare Coins are trading at half of their market highs of the late eighties. Rare coins are very interesting because their rarity makes them both precious and fascinating. Thousands of rare coins are regularly bought and sold sight-unseen on an electronic numismatic exchange and auctions, like
About The Author
Perry Corman is a curious soul, researcher and author. He has a wide range of interests, ranging from politics to astronomy. If you have an interest in rare coins, take a look at
Monday, March 10, 2008
A Women’s Guide to Car buying at Auction
Auctions can be an intimidating place to buy a car. However having recently experienced buying at one, I decided to write this guide to encourage more women to consider this as an alternative.
My son wanted to buy a van for his business, however most of the vans available locally in his price range, were either battle scarred or had high mileage. So he decided to try an auction. As my husband (the motoring expert in our house) was unable to attend, I stepped into the breach. It was a very interesting experience with lessons learnt very quickly, however following a few rules we did ended up with a smart looking van with low mileage for the less money than would have been needed to buy from a dealer.
Preparation is key to buying at Auction
1. Use the internet to find your local Auctions and look at the list of vehicles for sale. Check that there are several of the type that you are interested in. No point going otherwise.
2. Check the rules of the Auction.
- How can you pay?
- Is there a deposit to pay before bidding?
- What are the additional costs to pay on top of the bid price
- Tax and Insurance
4. How you are going to take the car away? You can either pay for delivery to your home or wait until your tax and insurance are sorted out and then drive it away. Check the costs involved for both options as the Auctioneers will charge for storage of your car beyond a set time.
5. Decide on the make and model, mileage range and condition for the types of vehicle you are interested in. Check the price ranges for each selection using the internet. Decide how much you are willing to bid, given the additional costs buying at Auction will involve. Put all these details together in a spreadsheet and print it out to take with you.
At the Auction
6. Arrive early before the bidding starts, so you can pay your deposit (if required), get your bidders number and a guide to the vehicles for sale.
7. The cars will all be parked up, in numerical order, take a quick sweep through to identify all those that you are interested in and return to look at these in detail. For each car you like, mark a price on the catalogue that you are willing to go to.
8. Before your first choice comes up, go and watch the bidding, to get a feel for what is happening, so you will comfortable when you bid.
Checking the Car
If possible bring someone with you who can help check the cars over, a quick check list for the non technical is given below. Remember at Auction you cannot test drive the car, but the cars will be driven through the arena. Below are some ideas of what to look for.
9. Check for battle damage. Sometimes this is obvious, a scrape or a dent but it is not so easy to spot re-sprays after accidents. Look at the colours of the individual panels, are they all the same? Is the inside of the door the same colour as the outside? Do all the panels line up?
10. Look at the engine. Is there oil everywhere? Then give it a miss. On the flip side an engine that looks as if it has been steam cleaned is suspicious. Go for an engine that looks used but has no oil.
11. Check the tread on the tyres. I saw that many of the tyres were painted black to make them look newer than they actually were.
12. Be at the car when it is started up for the drive into the bidding area. It should start first time and run well.
Auction Buying
This article was presented to you by Look4CarCare. If you buy a car with scuffs or scrapes and need a bumper repair, paint work restoration, or alloy wheel refurbishment , use this website to find the nearest technician to you. They will employ SMART repair technology to bring your car back into pristine condition at a fraction of the prices charged by a body shop.
Barbara Jeffers
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Omelet Brokoli jamur
Bahan roti :
150 g brokoli
150 g jamur kancing
100 g keju cheddar parut
6 btr telur
100 ml susu cair
1 sdm tepung terigu
2 sdm margarin
1 sdm keju parmesan
1/2 sdt lada
1 sdt garam
Cara Membuat :
- Siapkan semua bahan
- Kocok telur dengan mixer hingga mengembang, masukkan susu, tepung terigu, keju, lada, dan garam, aduk rata.
- Taruh margarin dalam pan dadarberdiameter 20 cm, lalu panaskan. Tuangkan adonan ke dalam pan dadar, tutup dengan aluminium. Masak hingga setengah mengembang.
- Buka tutup aluminium, taruh potongan'brokoli dan jamur kancing, taburi dengan keju parut.
- Masukkan dalam oven panas bersuhu 140 derajat Celcius selama 15 menit hingga matang dan kuning kecokelatan. Angkat. Taburi dengan keju parmesan. Sajikan hangat.